Sand Stars
Normally you’d find stars in the sky, but on Frankland Islands, you can find them in between your toes!
Among the inhabitants of the deep, there exists a group of marine microorganisms that have captured the attention of scientists, marine biologists, and nature enthusiasts alike: the Foraminifera. These tiny, single-celled organisms, often referred to as “Sand Stars,” may be minuscule in size, but they play a significant role in the ecology of our oceans.
Baclogypsina sphirulata (the Sand Stars we find on Normanby Island) can be found on beaches in the Indo-Pacific region. However, they are extremely rare, and they are often reported as being unique to Okinawa, Japan. It’s our best-kept secret that they can be found in a specific corner of Normanby Island as well!
What Are Foraminifera?
Foraminifera (plural: Foraminiferans) are a diverse group of microscopic marine protists that belong to the phylum Granuloreticulosa. These single-celled organisms have been inhabiting the world’s oceans for an astonishing 540 million years. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colours, and their remarkable diversity has captivated scientists for centuries.
The most distinctive feature of Foraminifera is their intricate and often exquisite shells, known as tests. These shells can be composed of calcium carbonate, agglutinated particles, or organic material, and their intricate designs vary from simple to highly complex, with stunning patterns and ornamentations. These shells are the key to understanding their evolutionary history and ecological significance.
The study of Foraminifera is vital for understanding the past, present, and future of our oceans and climate. Scientists use Foraminifera as bioindicators to reconstruct past environmental conditions and predict future changes. This research helps us comprehend how marine ecosystems respond to shifts in global temperatures, ocean acidification, and pollution.

Japanese Legend: Local people in Hoshizuna believe that the star sand is the offspring of the Southern Cross and the North Star. These children of the stars were born in the ocean just off Okinawa but were killed by a giant serpent, and their tiny skeletons are all that remains of them.
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